About Rachel

Heartworks Lomi Bodyworker, Yoga Teacher, Earth Lover, Sensitive Soul & Photographer For Women.

For as long as I can remember nature has been my sanctuary. From spending hours playing in the surf as a child to exploring little trails in the bush, it has always been the place of solace and where I can be completely free.

Transitioning into my late teens and early twenties I became completely disconnected to my body. It wasn’t until I took a leap of faith and traveled across Africa that I stumbled upon the magic of yoga and rediscovered the gifts of nature. As my yoga practice expanded beyond the physical, and my relationship with the earth became more intimate, I cultivated greater self-compassion and self-worth. I discovered strength in my sensitivity and vulnerability.

Raw Soul refers to the unfiltered essence within us that connects our true nature with the Earth. It embodies our authentic self, untouched by external and societal influences. It is a deep, primal energy that emphasises the interconnectedness between our body, spirit and the Earth. My hope is that through my classes and sessions, you can compassionately dissolve the protective layers and soften into your true nature.

"Like water, be gentle and strong. Be gentle enough to follow the natural paths of the earth, and strong enough to rise up and reshape the world." - Brenda Peterson